CASBO的立法委员会开会讨论了州长1月份的预算提案, with recent trailer bill language (TBL) released, worked to develop an initial response. The following recommendations are aimed at enhancing fiscal stability, supporting Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) adjustments, ensuring effective implementation of new programs, and highlighting critical areas that are creating budget pressures.

Statutory COLA for the LCFF. LCFF是一个以股权为基础的资助系统,允许LEAs有机会与家庭合作,以满足学生和社区的需求. 我们要求充分资助LCFF和LCFF以外的项目的法定COLA, including special education and school nutrition.

Instructional Continuity Program and Attendance Recovery Program. 我们支持行政部门在紧急情况/学校关闭期间确保学生教学连续性的意图, 通过提供恢复出勤的选择和抵消与学生缺勤相关的资金损失,为LEAs解决长期缺勤问题提供机会. After reviewing trailer bill language (TBL), we have identified a few concerns around the timing, areas of clarification, and challenges to successfully implement these two newly established programs.

Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant. The proposal entails several requirements for LEAs, 包括从7月1日开始对未受支配的整体拨款进行需求评估, 2024. 这项评估将优先解决长期缺勤问题,提高英语语言艺术和数学考试成绩. Additionally, lei需要概述如何在当地控制和责任计划的下一个周期中利用这些资金. 它们必须包含至少一个度量来监视行动或服务的有效性,并为实现研究支持的服务提供理由.

Facilities. There is an ongoing need to improve school facilities. 预算建议在2024-25年度将一次性普通基金分配给学校设施项目,减少5亿美元,并推迟5.5亿美元的加州学前教育拨款, Transitional Kindergarten, and Full-Day Kindergarten Facilities Grant Program from 2024-25 to 2025-26. We support AB 247 (Muratsuchi), 在2024年11月的全州投票中,该提案将把从社区学院过渡到公共教育设施的过渡幼儿园纳入其中.

Universal Meals. 我们支持提议增加1.22亿美元的资金,以继续提供普遍膳食.

Budget Considerations.

我们要求考虑LEAs正在经历的以下成本压力, including but not limited to:

Special Education: There is a noticeable rise in demand for services, 随着成本的增加和越来越多的学生需要个性化教育项目(IEPs),. Despite a statewide decline in overall enrollment, 疫情后学生身份识别的激增严重影响了学校的一般资金.

养老金在州一级设定的学校雇主缴费率继续上升. With CalSTRS imposing a 19.1 percent contribution rate and CalPERS projected to increase to 28.1 percent in 2024-25 and 28.在2025-26年,这些养老金率的上涨对学校预算构成了重大挑战.

Liability Insurance最近立法处理与儿童性侵犯案件有关的索赔,给许多学区带来了财政压力. 相当多的地区依靠联合权力管理机制为其负债和与风险有关的义务自行筹措资金. 然而, 由于这些实体不是拥有大量资本储备的保险公司, schools are bearing the financial burden of claims.

Utility Costs在过去的几年里,一些LEAs的公用事业费用上涨了15- 20%. 参与像“扩展bbin所有网站大全机会计划”这样的项目会进一步加剧这种增长, placing additional strain on school budgets.


LAO Reports

Over the course of the past week, 立法分析办公室发布了两份关于州长预算提案的报告,因为它与98号提案有关,以及一份关于州收入更新的预算和政策帖子.

The 2024-25 Budget Proposition 98 and K-12 Education

Summary: The Proposition 98 Budget entails $13.70亿美元的解决方案和由于国家收入减少而影响学校的削减. The major proposals include accruing $7.1 billion in previous payments to schools for future years and withdrawing $4.9 billion from the Proposition 98 Reserve. Additionally, there are $1.4 billion in new Proposition 98 K-12 spending proposals, including ongoing increases and one-time activities.


  1. Prioritize core school programs and budget stability, rather than shifting expenditures into the future.
  2. 计划进一步减少98号提案的拨款,并相应地确定优先事项.
  3. Reject the proposed funding maneuver, which worsens future deficits, and consider using Proposition 98 Reserve withdrawals instead.
  4. 由于目前的方案不足,拒绝拟议的生活费调整数.
  5. Reject most other ongoing and one-time increases in the budget.
  6. Explore additional solutions such as reducing unallocated grants, 暂时减少未使用结转资金的某些项目的资金, restructuring certain programs to reduce costs, 逐步淘汰过时的附加项目,以实现节约和减少地区之间的资金差距.

Proposition 98 Funding Maneuver

劳委会的简报评估了总督的建议,即允许学校保留80亿美元的现金支出,而不承认预算影响. It provides background information on the state’s budget and cash positions, as well as school finance basics. 介绍了拟议的筹资策略,然后进行了评估和建议. 在进行分析时,还没有与该提案有关的预告案文, 这一建议是基于这样一种理解,即这一策略开创了一个有问题的先例,并使未来的赤字恶化. 该简报强烈建议立法机关拒绝该提案,并提出维持学校和社区大学支出的其他方法.

Recommendation: Reject the administration’s proposal as it sets a problematic precedent, creates binding obligations worsening future deficits, and necessitates difficult decisions. 应该探索其他方法来维持学校和社区大学的开支.

The 2024-25 Budget: Deficit Update

老挝政府的最新收入显示,该州的预算赤字增加了150亿美元, 由于最近的收入反映出进一步的疲软,将预计580亿美元的赤字增加到730亿美元. 报告强调,立法机关需要找到新的预算解决方案,以平衡2024-25年的预算. Options include revenue increases, spending reductions (both one-time and ongoing), 储备, 成本转移,并提出了一次性和临时削减开支的表格,作为解决更大预算问题的可能的第一选择. The rationale behind these reductions is explained, 同时提供估算预算节余数额的详细方法.